Does the thought of getting knocked out scare you?
For most people, it does. When you think about boxing, especially amateur-style boxing, that’s a real fear for people who have never tried the sport. But what if you had the right coach, environment, and support? Would that change your mind?
Yes? Visit Fight into Fitness in Rockville, MD, and unleash the fighter in you.
You may not want to compete in a boxing ring, but there are benefits to joining a local boxing gym. If you are tired of the same fitness routine, discover the thrill of boxing and transform your body.

Here at Fight into Fitness, you train like a champion, but have the assurance that our classes are non-contact.
Check out these nine benefits of why boxing at Fight into Fitness can be the right choice for you. If you are not local to the area, find a gym near you and get the benefits listed below.
- It’s a full-body workout. You aren’t just there to focus on 6-pack abs or how much weight you can bench press. It touches all areas of your body with strength conditioning, cardio, core support, and more. You won’t get the same workout each day.
- You get the feeling of being a professional fighter. Picture yourself with your boxing gloves in a boxing ring jabbing and punching right after you hear ….“FIGHT”. The bell will let you know when the round is over. And your coach directs you to complete the round successfully. Don’t worry about getting hit, as our classes are non-contact. So you can train like a boxer, without the knockouts!
- A complete workout within an hour. No need to spend hours and hours in a gym to get a great workout. By the time the hour is over your body will thank you. Try for at least 2-3 times a week and see the transformation within yourself and your body. According to the CDC, you should aim for 150 minutes of moderate activity, and boxing three times a week would fit that requirement.
- Punch the stress away. Do you have a stressful job where you can’t express your dissatisfaction? Let the punching bag allow you to get it all out. Leave nothing on the table. Punching one of the heavy bags, speed bags, or even sparring will give you the edge to attack your frustration.
- Improved mood. The physical outlet of a boxing gym improves your mood once it’s over. Being able to release that day-to-day pressure in a safe way releases endorphins to improve your mood. You don’t leave the same way you came in.
- Sharpens the mind. A boxing gym improves focus and concentration. How? Just imagine how quickly your body can move when an opponent is trying to hit you. You learn to keep your eyes and feet moving while remembering to keep your guard up. It takes time to get there but the key is to be consistent. Keep showing up.
- Boost your confidence. If you have low self-esteem, try boxing. The techniques you learn will guide you through any physical and mental challenges. Once you have realized that sense of accomplishment, you trust your intuition, become more assertive, and know your self-worth. That makes you less likely to be disrespected or a target.
- Situational awareness improves. Have you ever been out and were frightened because you didn’t see that person around the corner? Boxing training will give you the ability to react quickly when situations occur. Imagine yourself in class dodging foam noodles for practice. Once you’ve conquered those in practice, you’ll feel more confident if and when something changes in your environment to protect yourself.
- Learn Fundamentals. Having the right coach in boxing is key. Train under Coach Angel and reap the benefits of an experienced trainer. She’s trained with martial arts coaches in the industry and fought professionally. Learning the right way to defend yourself, whether you’re in the ring or out in the world, is a skill that shouldn’t be taken for granted.
Now that you’ve read about the benefits of taking a boxing class here at Fight into Fitness, what’s stopping you? If you’re afraid of not knowing what to expect, that’s okay. Everyone’s first time at the gym brings on a little uncertainty. However, after the first few minutes of class with everyone else, you’ll feel right at home.
Need equipment? No problem!
If it’s your first time, our coaches will ensure you have what you need for a successful first class!
Check the class schedule and gym hours. If you have more questions, stop by the gym, call, or email.
We are here and waiting for YOU to unleash your inner fighter!