“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live” – Jim Rohn.
Let’s continue building a heart-healthy lifestyle in February. The next 14 days will be just as important as the first 14.
The amount of stress in our lives compared to 20 years ago has increased. Mainly due to technology, rising costs, job and financial insecurity, pandemics and more. Let’s not forget how people are connected digitally, but feel more isolated. And our work-life balance is blurred.
Keep reading below for additional ideas on how to reduce stress and take your heart health forward into the upcoming months.
Week 3 – Stress Management for your Heart
Week 3 focuses on how to reduce your stress. Stress has effects such as higher blood pressure, inflammation throughout the body, and also heart attacks. Use these next days to focus on stress reduction to keep your heart healthy.
Day 15: Practice deep breathing exercises for 5 minutes. Inhale your breath for 4 seconds, hold for 7 and exhale for 8. Do this when you are feeling stressed to find your calm.
Day 16: Take a short break to disconnect from technology. When’s the last time you put your phone down?
Day 17: Spend time in nature. Go outside and enjoy the fresh air.
Day 18: Listen to calming music. Music with complex rhythms and rapid changes can contribute to feeling uneasy, so be mindful of what you are listening to.
Day 19: Try meditation or mindfulness. Mindfulness allows you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings which can lead to more self-acceptance. These exercises can help.
Day 20: Engage in a hobby you enjoy. Not sure what hobby you are interested in? Try this quiz to discover your perfect hobby based on your personality.
Day 21: Get a good night’s sleep. Stop looking at your phone about 1-2 hours before bed.

Week 4 – Building Healthy Habits for Life
Week 4 will focus on more awareness of how to build healthier habits for life. By planning ahead you are setting yourself up for success of long-term health and overall well-being.
Day 22: Reflect on your progress from the past three weeks. Are you becoming more aware of your day to day activities that affect your heart health? If so, great! If not, it’s time to regroup.
Day 23: Set realistic and achievable long-term heart health goals. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Where do you want to see yourself in 6 months, 1 year, 5 years?
Day 24: Schedule regular check-ups with your doctor. Did you know with some healthcare practitioners, if you don’t visit at least once in 3 years, then you will be considered a new patient? Don’t let that surprise happen at the wrong time.
Day 25: Find an accountability partner to support your healthy habits. Supporti has the option to find accountability partners if you can’t find someone in your network.
Day 26: Learn about your family history of heart disease. These conversations can be hard to have at a family gathering, but understanding your history will give you a baseline.
Day 27: Celebrate your commitment to heart health. Reward yourself with new workout gear or a massage. Or better yet, volunteer for a heart health organization like the Red Cross.
Day 28: Plan for continued healthy habits beyond February. Stay consistent and these habits will become part of your lifestyle.
Congratulations on going through the month of February focused on your heart health. Weeks 3 and 4 emphasized reducing stress and having a plan for your heart health journey.
Find workshops and health screenings in your area. If you are local to the Washington DC Metro area, check out these additional educational resources to continue your own personal growth.
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